Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is the process of learning through experience, and is more specifically defined as learning through reflection on doing. David Kolb (Weatheread School of Management, 1984) states that “experiential learning is distinct from rote or didactic learning, in which the learner plays a comparatively passive role. In order to gain genuine knowledge from an…

Tough Questions

Tough questions: Rebounding After COVID-19 How will your company recover and rebound from the impact of COVID-19? What must be done now to maximize your company’s performance in the months ahead? Our CSUF student teams are ready to help assess the opportunity for your firm. Beginning the second week of September, our Entrepreneurship students will…

I Am Sorry

“I am sorry.” While just three simple words, many people won’t or can’t say them. How could that be? For some people saying “I am sorry” is almost impossible to do. For these people apologizing is frightening and may be based on their own insecurities and self-doubt. Rather than confronting their own fears, they consciously…

Professor Applauds “First, Best, or Different”

“I had great success using this book (“First, Best, or Different”) for teaching university level marketing. The use of real world examples connects with the students. Student feedback was very positive. The book is fun to read.” Dr. Nancy Merlino Food Marketing and Agribusiness Department, Program Director Western Collegiate Food Marketing Competition, Chair California State…