Customer service reps need to maintain their cool even when customers push all their buttons. Keeping cool is a matter of keeping your self control while helping customers get through their rants. Here are a few ideas on how to maintain your composure when the heat is on.

Be sure to breath. Silly as it sounds, make sure that you are breathing and sending enough oxygen to your brain. Monitor your breathing next time you are upset; I bet you are breathing shallowly or not at all. No wonder you get red faced.

Avoid sharing your anger in e-mails, voice messages, or notes. These messages may come off very heavy handed, yet when the same messages are delivered in-person with eye contact and body language they may appear constructive or helpful.

Consider the use of the expression “I understand”. This phrase will support your goals when the tension is high and when you need to find common ground to form compromises or agreements with the other party.

Monitor you own emotions. When you feel threatened, try not to defend yourself or to shut down when the other person is trying to communicate. The other person may have something that you need to hear (they might even be right!).

Try mirroring the other party’s words. Repeat the exact words that the customer is saying to you; this keeps you focused and helps demonstrate your openness. Say something like, “Let me see if heard you correctly. When I do this……”

When you feel like blowing your top or saying something you might regret, take a break. Put those feelings aside and deal with the issue later. You will be surprised how often the issue is minimized by doing this.

Throwing a fit in the workplace seldom does any good. More likely, people will not feel safe around you. You could be labeled as unpredictable and people will avoid you and your nasty behavior. Before long your reputation will impede you from getting things done.

Stay cool with hot-headed customers by managing your own emotions.

John Bradley Jackson
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