Conferences, Trade Shows, and Conventions are a great time to brand yourself and your company with your name tag. The last thing you want to use is one of those peel and stick labels, which often fall off in a matter of minutes.
Instead, take the time to get a preprinted name badge, which is engraved or printed especially for you and your business. This badge should include your name, title, company, and logo. Adding your tagline would be great. Other info to include could be your website address and some eye catching phrase or slogan. Make sure that the font size is big enough for everyone to easily read your message.
Add a compelling question on the badge like, “ask me about what I did yesterday?” Your answer could be a story about how you helped a customer save time and money with your new technology. Yes, it is a set–up, but people look for conversation starters and this technique works.
I recommend the badge be pinned on your lapel or shirt on the right, since most of us shake hands with the right hand. Be sure that the badge is even and does not droop to one side or the other.
You might want to have multiple versions made so that you can vary your “presentation” based upon the audience. You can have badges with different messages depending on the people you might meet.
John Bradley Jackson
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