I normally avoid including myself or my personal travails in my blog, since my blog is not about me. Rather, my blog content is about what matters to you. But, I had a concussion a few weeks ago and it really shook things up—literally.
OK. Here is the story. I was in the local mountains for the holidays and slipped on the ice and bounced my head on the sidewalk. In a split second things changed for me: whiplash, bloody head, dizziness, blurred vision, ringing in my ears, and a major league headache. Ouch!
A “Good Samaritan” rushed to my side and asked, “Are you all right?” I responded, “Nope”. Later, my doctor determined that I had no significant brain damage, which was little comfort—I did like the painkillers, but I digress. Three and half weeks later I am on the mend although my ears still ring.
The point is that my little world changed dramatically in an instant and the same might happen to you or your business. Will you be prepared to manage the crisis?
Does your firm carry adequate liability insurance, key executive coverage, long term disability insurance?
What about contingency plans for earthquakes or other natural disasters? Do your IT systems have built in redundancy? Do you have a disaster recovery plan?
How about your personal computer—do you routinely back up your files? This is always on my “to do” list, but never seems to get done.
What will happen if your partner dies or wants out? Do you have a succession plan? How about an exit strategy and a buy/sell agreement? Are you prepared for a hostile acquisition?
What if your biggest customer declares bankruptcy? Or, what if a new competitor enters your market? What if the Feds change the law and injure the market? What if the price of oil races to $5.00 a gallon?
My recommendation is to plan for an occasional disaster. Disaster planning and a periodic review sound in order to me. Things may be fine now, but you may bump your head now and then.
John Bradley Jackson
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